Heidi Lane Esthetics - Boise, Idaho
"Heidi Lane, Heidi Lane Esthetics, Boise Idaho"
How did you hear about Epicuren and how long have you been using us professionally?
"Working at the Balboa Bay club in Newport Beach, I've been using Epicuren for 14 years."
What is your favorite Epicuren product and why?
"My favorite products are silk radiance 3-in1 cleansing oil. I LOVE the aromatherapy in this product and the way it leaves a dewy hydrating finish. It's a real treat. I love the enzyme concentrate vitamin protein complex. There's no other serum on the market like it. Clients who use this serum have what we call the "Epicuren glow", it evens the skin tone and brightens the overall appearance.
Cinnamon vanilla brown sugar body polish. My all time favorite body scrub. It melts into the skin and the scent makes you want to eat it. It exfoliates, stimulates and hydrates the body. I use it on the lips and sometimes on the whole face. Dermal repair balm. It's the only moisturizer that you'll ever need living in a high desert climate like Boise. It's like an oil and a moisturizer in one, a true balm. Great for skiing and any outdoor winter sports."
What is your favorite Epicuren treatment and why?
"Our Red Carpet Facial which is the Epicuren Signature Facial. It's the best tightening and lifting treatment with an immediate glow. Perfect for the summer months when clients tend to shy away from "peels" or for holidays when you want to look your best but not have shedding skin from a chemical peel. We use all Epicuren products in this facial."
Has Epicuren helped your business grow?
"Yes. Having a quality natural product like Epicuren that clients love helps grow our business. We also get amazing support from our Rep who we love Tambra."
How Can people find out more about Heidi Lane Esthetics?
- Website: www.heidilaneesthetics.com
- Instagram: @heidilaneesthetics
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/HeidiLaneEsthetics