Let’s Make Everyday Earth Day!

The need to protect our planet has never been greater than it is now! The official celebration is April 22, but the many threats that our environment is facing make it critical to declare every day Earth Day… so let’s start NOW!

At Epicuren Discovery ® we offer pure, innovative skin care using the most luxurious, natural ingredients available. We are dedicated to crafting products and packaging that support environmental sustainability and ecological integrity for generations to come. The accumulation of every little effort is what makes the largest impact.

*A little history...

Earth Day

Earth Day started with the simple desire to protect the places we hold sacred. After witnessing a devastating oil spill off the coast of California, Senator Gaylord Nelson organized a National Earth Day to educate Americans about the value of our wild lands and the threats that could destroy them.

“The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity…That’s all there is. That’s the whole economy,” Nelson explained in a letter about why he created Earth Day. *Lisa Dare, wilderness.org


Go Green

marks the 44th Anniversary of Earth Day, so why not jump in and start celebrating? Greening your life can include your home and doesn’t need to cost you a bundle. Being green usually includes recycling and looking for ways to reduce waste, conserve water & energy and minimize the use of hazardous materials.

The following list includes a few simple steps that you can implement in your home today and make a start at creating an eco- friendly environment for your loved ones.

7 simple tips to go-green NOW!

  1. Since you’re already doing laundry, replace paper towels with a basket of beautifully displayed washcloths in your bathrooms. Not only will you reduce waste but it adds an air of luxury to your home and creates a spa-like environment. For all other necessary paper products, use recycled, unbleached paper only.
  2. Start a recycle bin! It sounds so simple to add a bin or two strictly for recyclables, but have you actually done it? Better yet, “pre-cycle”. Cut waste at the source; buy bulk and stop using disposable items. TIP: Purchase a glass water bottle and fill up instead of purchasing cases of water in plastic bottles.
  3. Update all your light fixtures with occupancy sensors on and your water faucets with low flow aerators.
  4. Use alternatives to paper mail reminders or advertisements! Call, text or email is the popular way to go.
  5. Update lighting to compact florescent bulbs or LEDS. They will cost a little more upfront but they use 1/4 of the energy and last for around 10,000 hours. LED lighting uses the least amount of energy and lasts even longer.
  6. Take your own bags shopping for your store purchases. You will feel good doing this and be an example to those around you.
  7. Replace cleaning and laundry products with biodegradable, non-petroleum based products. Simple household items such as vinegar and baking soda can clean almost anything. As time and budget allow, replace old appliances with current, energy efficient models. FYI…Front-load washers use 65% less energy and one-third less water than top-loading washers.

Global Warming

Green Earth Ecology

is here and unfortunately, there is no escaping this fact. Now more than ever, it is vitally important for the spa industry to rise to the challenge of environmental responsibility and Epicuren ®seeks to set a high standard. We believe the idea of cultivating eco- friendly business practices will raise awareness and firmly establish environmental responsibility within our industry, our company, and our employees – which then filters into the personal day-to-day living in our surrounding communities.

Making a shift will evoke a deeper commitment to these changes and stimulate awareness (think “the ripple effect”). Your personal lifestyle can become more relevant in the “green” changes that need to occur in our environment in order to sustain and leave a smaller footprint for future generations. Be a leader, start small and make a BIG impact!


Heather Linberg, Epicuren®’s Skincare Specialist

Heather is a lover of all things health, wellness, and beauty! A leading industry expert, she has been sharing her passion for creative health and beauty solutions for over 10 years. Her extensive knowledge of wellness and skincare has made her an invaluable resource to an impressive list of beauty editors, celebrity makeup artists, and red carpet A-listers!

To offer Epicuren Discovery® in your spa, contact | sales@epicuren.com

For International Inquiries, contact | global@epicuren.com

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